This section describes a second critical tangible “center” for the RRES, that which empowers entrepreneurship. In combination with the Institute, the part of the strategy is one that brings a tangible asset which results in many benefits. Focusing on supporting the process of generating new ideas and products, there is a cooperative nature grounded in the ultimate aim to support regional communities, businesses, organizations, but ultimately individuals. The model is designed in a way for it to be adaptable. It includes a practical arrangement for the organization, its functions, the steps to implementation and an overview of the technologies that will facilitate completion.
A Proposed Structure for the IPVCC – three legs: Business, Social, Infrastructure Introduction a Cooperative Model
In the world today there are three primary types of organizations: business (financial), non-profit (social good) and institution/ government (infrastructure and public services). Usually, these three types of organizations end up attempting to support all three of these functions within their organization, but do not succeed because the main focus of the organization is on one aspect and are not designed to support the other activities. A balanced organization should give adequate importance to each function. For example, if infrastructural support falters, the success of the organization will be diminished. Likewise, if the “quality of life” (social) diminishes then the whole organism suffers. Finally, if adequate financial resources (business) are not generated and sustained, there will be a breakdown of the whole organization (community, region).

Figure 1: Idea and Product Visioning & Creation Center
It appears that a blending of the primary functions of these three entities would make for a more efficient organization. The institution would be responsible for managing the infrastructure and the services of the Cooperative. The business would be responsible for the fiscal and financial (marketing, business development) aspects and the continued monetary support/management for the other two legs of the organization. The non-profit portion of the organization would be responsible for the programs that ensure the continued vitality of the region, such as education, social and other community empowerment programs.
Figure 1 provides a schematic for the overarching components of the Idea and Product Visioning & Creation Center (IPVCC). The foci of the IPVCC will be on small business (products, services) creation and support and tourism. The tourism strategy will follow the regional development model as described in detail later in this document with a focus on education, marketing and technology. The diagram below shows the initial structure and flows of activities and organizational functions of the IPVCC. The items “Education” and the “Rural Urban Nexus” identify the first opportunity spaces and the way the process will begin will be through the successful launching and implementation of “pilot projects.”

Diagram 10: Functional Structure (internal & external) for the RRES Idea and Product Visioning & Creation Center
This document description only provides a brief outline of what we see as the critical functions necessary and the steps to realize the “vision” of the IPVCC. This is a “living” document so elements can be added and expanded and adaptation will occur often, depending on the organic, evolutionary nature of this “systems” endeavor:
Facilities necessary to accomplish our Vision
The kinds of facilities that we will need to realize this vision are depicted in Diagram 10. Both Diagrams 10 and 11 are based on the activities occurring for several products that are in development in Colombia South America. One of our team is an inventor that has several “green” products and processes to bring to market. Thus, there is a focus on the creation of the product development laboratory, testing center and shop outfitted with all the necessary tools to manufacture or fabricate first production (test versions) of the various products.
Additionally, our understanding for the success of a regional initiative is to have a physical place where the community can come and actually see the products and gain an understanding of progress for our initiative. To fulfill this we are acquiring a complex of buildings to include a productand demonstration showroom. We also want to have a “business development” section:
Marketing, business planning, packaging
Also necessary will be computer infrastructure for supporting online application development, a GIS laboratory, hyperspectral data storage, manipulation and product creation.

Diagram 11: Internal Organizational Structure for the RRES Product and Idea Visioning & Creation Center
Diagram 12 below illustrates the flow of an idea or product from conception to delivery to the market place. The center box, is a sort of “black box” representing the flow of activities between the product creation section (Incubation) and the business side of the IPVCC. This box is depicted in organizational details in Diagrams 10 and 11. One important additional aspect are the feedback loops from the products and services in the market place. These provide intelligence and continual quality control to assure that the process is functioning effectively and efficiently.

Diagram 12: Flow diagram of ideas moving through the RRES Idea and Product Visioning and Creation Center
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